Map style for April Fool's Day

I had a free day and decided to do a new map style for April Fool’s Day. This seemed less likely to get me yelled at than, say, setting everyone’s appraisal value to $0.

I had high ambitions when I started - pirate theme, steampunk theme, comic book theme, three-toed sloth theme, etc. Laziness eliminated these in short order. Then I took a look at Amy Walton’s gorgeous blueprint theme with three colors and two fonts and said winner. So I made something inspired by it. Four-ish hours of copious copying and pasting from other themes and exchanges of unpleasantries with the Mapbox GL JS Validator later, and it was good enough for government work.




You can view the theme in GeoPortal (hit Full Screen in the menu for extra fun), and it’s in my mapbox-gl-style-editor if you want to futz around with it. After the 1st I’m going to switch back to Bright as default but leave Blueprint in the menu.