And Now For Something Really Esoteric
And off topic. But last week I got a refurb SiliconDust HDHomeRun TV Tuner in my continuing quest to tell satellite and cable providers to shove it. And it’s awesome. HD TV streaming to any device on my network. I can’t recommend it enough.
But while Linux support is good, if you aren’t using MythTV (which it purportedly works great with), the terminal interface is a pain. Using VLC and a terminal you can tune into a channel only after running a bunch of lengthy terminal commands, followed by another lengthy commands to change channels again should you accidentally land on the WB. It’s almost as bad as installing MythTV. Almost.
So, for the exactly none of you that could use this, I present my python script for changing channels on the little beast from Linux. It defaults to tuner 0, the default HDHomeRun on the network, and the channel list in the same directory as listings.txt, though all those are configurable via command line options. It isn’t pretty - my python skills don’t range far past hello world - but it works. On Ubuntu, the HDHomeRun libraries are in the repos - sudo apt-get install hdhomerun-config.
1 | #!/usr/bin/python |
The result is a VLC player launching with the first channel in the channel list, and a menu like this:
[crayon lang=”default”]
1 - 46.1 WJZY-HD
2 - 46.2 WJZY-SD
3 - 58.1 UNC-TV
4 - 58.2 UNC-KD
5 - 58.3 UNC-EX
6 - 55.1 WMYT-HD
7 - 55.2 WMYT-SD
8 - 55.3 WordNet
9 - 9.1 WSOC-TV
10 - 9.2 WSOC-WX
11 - 3.1 WBTV-DT
12 - 3.2 WBTV-SD
13 - 36.1 WCNC-HD
14 - 36.2 WCNC-LW
x - Exit
Enter something: