There’s nothing that makes me want to thrash a bureaucrat more than the HTML-table-to-Excel request. But if you’ve gotta…
Turn table into CSV
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// Send in a unique identifier for a table, like #myStupidTable exportdefaultfunctiontable2csv(theTable){ let rows = document.querySelectorAll(`${theTable} tr`); let csvData = "";
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { let cells = rows[i].querySelectorAll('th, td'); let dataArray = []; for (let n = 0; n < cells.length; n++) { dataArray.push(cells[n].innerText); } csvData += =>`"${val.replace(/"/g, '')}"`).join(",") + '\n'; }
return csvData; }
Next, suppose you have a download button like this. Note the download attribute - we can give this sucker a useful name rather than ‘download’ with no extension.