Maximizing Lighthouse scores for GeoPortal
My package.json
scripts section looks like this:
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| "scripts": { "start": "yarn run assets:dev && npm-run-all --parallel watch:*", "build": "NODE_ENV=production yarn run assets:prod && npm-run-all prod:* && yarn run critical && yarn run pwa", "assets:dev": "node build/copy.js", "assets:prod": "node build/clean.js", "critical": "node build/critical.css.js", "prod:postcss": "postcss app/main.css -m -o dist/bundle.css", "prod:webpack": "webpack --mode production", "pwa": "node build/sw.js", "watch:assets": "onchange 'app/assets/**/*' -- yarn run assets:dev", "watch:postcss": "postcss app/main.css -m -o dist/bundle.css -w", "watch:server": "browser-sync start --server 'dist' --files 'dist'", "watch:webpack": "webpack --mode development --progress --watch" },
Nothing too revolutionary there. The only interesting bit is the critical CSS, which ended up being remarkably straight-forward:
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| var critical = require("critical");
critical.generate({ inline: true, base: "dist/", src: "index.html", dest: "index.html", width: 500, height: 900 });
console.log("Critical CSS rendered.");
When I get cross-browser testing and polishing done the final code will be on the Github repo.