Active Directory Authentication in MediaWiki

This is a bit random, but since it took me an embarrassing number of attempts to get this to work I thought I’d post a quick how-to on getting MediaWiki to authenticate to Microsoft Active Directory. First you’ll need to


Python Script to Monitor Shapefiles

In an ideal world, the primary, most up to date spatial layers are accessed and maintained on an enterprise spatial database. Here on the little blue planet, a lot of folks still like to edit and access data as shapefile


After seeing a dozen or more stories about, I finally carved out some time to take a look. They have a blog post describing how the project formed and where they hope it leads. There are still some wrin


GeoPortal Template and Projects Moved to Google Code

jQuery UI 1.8 was released last week, and I took that opportunity to give the GeoPortal project a kick in the nethers. To paraphrase Jeff Atwood‘s sentiment, the worst code I’ve ever seen is the code I wrote six months a


Google Releases Elevation Web Service

Wow. Just…wow. Google has released an elevation web service and ElevationService for Maps API v3. Basically you can send it a latlon or a series of latlon’s and it’ll give you the elevations. Or you can send it a path an


Using GeoServer, Openlayers, and CQL Filters

I received a request this week to put Census Questionnaire Centers (QAC) on a web app ASAP. In case you don’t follow the Census’ every move: Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QACs) are spaces, donated by community partne


Using @font-face For Better Typography

I’ve been on a big web design kick lately, so I thought I’d do a quick post on using @font-face for custom typography on your web page. @font-face has been around since CSS2, and the first browser to take advantage of it


How I Made the Cloud Thing

I’ve already been asked several times how I did the floating cloud bit in the header, so here it goes. Fair warning: if you were expecting some miraculous bit of coding here you’re going to be sorely disappointed. First,


Make Smarter - Apache Lucene and Solr, iPhone Development, GIS Intro

First up in this month’s Make Smarter is a Location-aware search with Apache Lucene and Solr, courtesy of IBM. Lucene is high performance text search engine, Solr is a search platform using Lucene, and they are both open


String Parsing for Easier Searches

Through a lot of testing (and swearing), I’ve found the #1 thing users botch on a web application is text entry. Nothing else comes close. That seemingly innocent text box with the blinking cursor is the primary place yo