Google Wave is Incredible

I occasionally branch away from GIS topics on this blog to talk about stuff I think is cool. By occasionally I mean all the time, with this post instant being a likely candidate. Which brings me to the recent announcemen


A Contrast in Open Source Approaches

Two stories collided with my RSS reader this morning, each showing very different approaches to open source software and open standards. I thought the Oh wow!/Oh crap! contrast was enough to warrant a blog post. First I


Failures of Imagination

As a programmer, you spend a lot of time thinking about how your users will interact with your system in unexpected ways. After the Apollo 1 disaster that claimed the lives of three astronauts during a test of the commu


GIS Bailout Money to Make Benefit Glorious Nation of USA

This has been analyzed so much in the blogosphere I feel a bit late to the party. But in a nutshell, Jack Dangermond (ESRI) and Anne Miglarese (Booz Allen Hamilton) have proposed getting $1.2 billion in bailout funds for


Zune Kaboom

In the epic-fail department, people sporting the Microsoft Zune on December 31st were dismayed to find their portable entertainment system had gone belly up. Apparently the little-iPod’s-that-couldn’t spontaneously reboo


Happy Holidays!

Have a happy and safe holiday season! –Fuzzy Tolerance


The Latest IE Debacle

In the water-is-wet department, IE has another enormous security hole that will destroy your machine and could possibly kill your dog. You’ll find this news everywhere, but Slashdot has a pretty good summary. Basically i


Positive Trends for FOSS

Every year people make predictions about what’s up and coming in technology. As in, “This is the year of the Blank Blank Blank!“ I don’t like to do that, for the simple reason that I’m terrible at predictions. I have pic


Epic Microsoft Flame - By Bill Gates

I’ve been known to harsh on Microsoft from time to time, but I haven’t written anything to compare to this email fired off by Bill Gates himself. Apparently Bill wanted to install MS Movie Maker, cataloged his experience


Harshing on ESRI's Web ADF

Check out this post on the James Fee GIS Blog: ESRI’s Web ADF is One Horrific Development Platform After you read the post, read some of the comments. YEEOOOOWCH! Harsh. Fair, but harsh. One of our devs did a project wit