Use SketchUp to make Left 4 Dead Maps

If you haven’t played Left 4 Dead, let me sum it up for you: AAAARRRGGHHHHHHHHHH! Maximum PC has a great how-to on making Left 4 Dead maps using a combination of Valve’s Hammer World Editor and Google SketchUp. It’s a v


Apache mod_fcgid and PHP on Windows

I’ve run PHP on Windows in every way imaginable. I’ve run it through IIS and Apache. I’ve run it as SAPI, CGI, FastCGI. Heck, I’ve run it from the command line to automate tasks (during my pre-Python days). But I hadn’t


For Ubuntu EEE Users - Patched eee-control Available

Just in case anyone else openly wept when they discovered the eee-control wasn’t working with Ubuntu Karmic on their EEE netbook, some kind soul has released a patched 0.9.4 version that works like a top. Once I installe


Make an OpenLayers Preview from Metadata

My horrific Metadata Navigator hack garnered a lot more interest than I expected, so in addition to patching a couple of bugs some users pointed out (thanks folks!), in the 1.1 release I added an interactive map preview


Google Chrome Frame Puts Chrome in Internet Explorer

oh snap! In the if-you-can’t-beat-them-shove-a-tube-down-their-throat-and-plant-eggs-in-their-chest department, Google has released Chrome Frame, an open source plugin that drops Chrome’s HTML (WebKit) and JavaScript (


Simple Python HTTP Server

Linux Journal posted a nifty Python trick to quickly share files on your network. It should work anywhere that Python does (i.e. anywhere). Just CD to the directory you want to share and type: python -m SimpleHTTPServer


Metadata Navigator

I’ve been resisting sharing a project here for two reasons. First, it involves metadata. Metadata is absolutely one of the most important and valuable things you can do. Like paying taxes. Second, what I did is such a to


jQuery Tools - A Cool New UI Library for jQuery

When I have to do JavaScript programming for a web site, the first thing I do is drop in a reference to jQuery on Google’s CDN. I can’t imagine doing any non-trivial JavaScript work without jQuery. jQuery is: ...a fast a


Google Builds JavaScript SVG Library for IE

From Slashdot, in the making-IE-suck-less department, there’s a project up on Google Code called svgweb that will add SVG support to browsers that don’t have it baked in. Which is the long hand way of saying it fixes Int


My Favorite CSS3 Features You Can Use Right Now

Although generally still in draft (it’s modularized and different pieces are further along than others), CSS3 support amongst modern browsers is getting much better. Here are a couple of my favorite tricks you can use ri