Google Geo Developer Series

I ran across this on Free Geography Tools. Google has announced it’s Google Geo Developer Series of workshops/lectures at the Googleplex. Here’s a synopsis of the first two workshops: Feb. 20 @6pm: Quick & Dirty KML


Open Technology Group offers PostGIS & UMN MapServer Training

I picked this up on the PostgreSQL list serve: Open Technology Group (OTG) is based in Morrisville, NC. They offer lots of classes on open source software (LAMP, Linux, PostgreSQL, MySQL, PHP, etc.), and they just added


Map-Making for the Masses

Slashdot pointed me to a good summary article on user-generated content and map creation. FTA: Websites such as Wikimapia and OpenStreetMap are empowering citizens to create a global patchwork of geographic information


FOSS4G 2007 Conference Presentations Online

FOSS4G is the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial conference. The conference “gathers developers and users of open source geo-spatial software fromaround the world to discuss new directions, exciting implementat


Florida State Offers Free Open Source GIS Courses

Florida State University is offering some free (as in beer) FOSS GIS courses. Courses include uDig, Quantum GIS, MapWindow, and others, with more courses available in the spring. It requires registration, but it’s free.


Mashup/Open Source Workshop

Nianwei Liu of the City of Charlotte and I gave a Mashup/Open Source Workshop at the beginning of September for the 2007 Carolina URISA/GITA Conference here in Charlotte, NC. From the conference summary: Mashup/Open Sou


Google Tech Talks

I recently stumbled across this in Miro’s (formerly Democracy Player) channel guide. Google hosts a series of Tech Talks on their campus, and, being Google, they get in some great presentations and presenters going over


OSGeo Releases New Journal

OSGeo has released its first issue of the OSGeo Journal. From the web site: The OSGeo Journal is a digital publication containing case studies, news, tutorials, project updates and more. With a general aim at promoting,


Free Open Web Mapping Course

Penn State’s Department of Geography has made their Open Web Mapping course available online for free. From the course outline: Lesson 1: Introduction to Open Web Mapping Lesson 2: Web Map Servers (WMS) Lesson 3: Web Fea


(Free) Free and Open Source Software Book

MIT press is offering the book Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software for free download. From the synopsis:What is the status of the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) revolution? Has the creation of software